
199. Poem: Dear youth, will you support me for change?_हे युवा, दिन्छौ परिवर्तनमा साथ !!!

                                       © डा. सूर्य पराजुली, BPKIHS

हे युवा, दिन्छौ परिवर्तनमा साथ !!!
हे परिवर्तनकारी युवा,
सिंहदरबारमा ढुंगा हानेर
कति युगलाई पछी पार्छौ
सडकमा टायर बालेर
कति दिन युद्ध रच्छौ
संविधानका मस्यौदा जलाएर
कति गिज्याउछौ भित्ताका सर्टिफिकेटहरुलाई !

195. WHO conference on health and climate_ 27 to 29 August 2014

When: 27–29 August 2014

Where: WHO Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland

Since 2008 the WHO has shown leadership in raising awareness of the threats posed by climate change to health. Specifically, WHO has provided evidence, technical guidance and piloted approaches to protect health from climate risks.
There is now an urgent need to advance a more concrete and systematic approach to implementing health protection, led by the health community, in coordination with others.

                                                                         Link, Click please !!!